Elementary school students design the future of the airport

Last month, creativity took center stage during Isavia's and Mace's visit to Háleitisskóli Elementary School. Students gained insights into the construction and development of KEF airport, while Isavia and Mace staff received inspirational suggestions to incorporate into the project.

On April 22nd and 24th, representatives from Isavia, responsible for KEF airport's operations and development, and the British construction consulting company Mace, visited 4th-grade students at Háaleitisskóli in Ásbrú, Reykjanesbær. The students had a fun and creative session, learning about the airport community, its working environment, and future developments at KEF.

The session kicked off with a presentation on educational centers for children at Manchester and Krakow airports. Then, the students were tasked with designing one for KEF airport. Needless to say, there was no shortage of ideas and creative thinking. Using reusable materials collected beforehand, the students constructed their educational centers, resulting in fun and original models that will undoubtedly inspire Isavia in its future developments.

Isavia‘s sustainability policy emphasizes working with the community and increasing social value through sharing mutual knowledge and experiences. Visits like this one are integral to this policy, and students provide valuable inspiration to Isavia's staff. This visit to Háaleitisskóli marks the third of its kind, with Heiðarskóli in Reykjanesbær having been visited twice previously.