KEF Showcases Exciting Career opportunities for Young People

KEF Airport Staff showcased career opportunities at the airport at the yearly Suðurnes job fair for young people.


Keflavík Airport staff took an active role in the annual Job Fair in Suðurnes, presenting exciting career opportunities to young people, including students from the upper levels of elementary school and from Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja. This year, nineteen airport employees participated, offering insights into a wide range of positions available at the airport. The opportunities covered various fields, such as security, aviation, engineering, human resources, passenger transport, and more.

Each department brought along the equipment and tools used in their respective roles, allowing students to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of what a typical workday entails. KEF is always on the lookout for lalented individuals to join our team and it is a pleasure to introduce young people to the many career opportunities available at the airport.

Over 100 different careers were introduced to the students, who came from 8th and 10th grades of elementary schools in Suðurnes, as well as young people from Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja. Events like these provide an invaluable opportunity for young people to connect with industry professionals and learn about the qualifications and studies they may need to pursue future careers.

Making a positive impact on the local community

KEF Airport staff have been actively participating in career presentations for several years, engaging with young people and sharing valuable insights into the world of aviation. This long-standing involvement is a key initiative for Isavia, which is committed to making a positive impact on the local community. Beyond these career presentations, Isavia’s staff regularly visit local educational institutions, offering presentations and projects that benefit students.

It is valuable for Isavia and the wider airport community when staff dedicate their time and energy to initiatives such as these. It’s essential that the residents of Suðurnes, as well as potential future employees, understand what’s happening at the airport and how its operations contribute to the local economy and society as a whole.

The job fair is organized by Samtök Sveitarfélaga á Suðurnesju (SSS), with project management overseen by the Þekkingarsetur Suðurnesja.