Social Value in 2023


The development of Keflavík Airport is a major project that affects the environment, society, and the economy. When it comes to the airport development project a specific sustainability framework has been set, including measurable goals, ways to reach them, and defines the parties responsible for each goal.

Social value is an integral part of the sustainability framework and emphasizes systemic work with the local community, e.g. through the exchange of knowledge and experience. The focus has been on increasing social value through collaboration with institutions in the local community, promotion of jobs and Isavia as a workplace and the dissemination of knowledge generated within the company.

This year multiple projects were undertaken to reach these goals. Among these undertakings were multiple workshops on career development and sustainability at Keflavík Airport, visits of our diverse group of experts working on the major development plan of the airport to schools, educational institutions and vocational rehabilitation centers, with time and money being donated and volunteered towards charities.

Active dialogue with the local community

This year saw the organization of multiple successful workshops, or so-called employers‘ forums, around career development and sustainability at KEF airport.

The workshops are intended to continue the conversation about how Isavia and Keflavík Airport as a workplace can meet the needs of people in the local community. Representatives from Ístak, Kadeco, Miðstöð Símenntunar á Suðurnesjum (MSS), Keilir, Fjölbrautskóli Suðurnesja (FSS), Samtök iðnaðarins, Reykjanesbæ, Suðurnesjabæ, Vinnumálastofnun, Virk and the Electrical Industry Association attended the workshop.

After one of these workshops in April, it was decided to establish a working group that can meet more often and come up with proposals on how to meet the challenges of the future, such as tackling unemployment, activating individuals in the local community and providing training and educational opportunities. This group has already started meeting and providing interesting ideas to work on in 2024.

Supporting vocational rehabilitation

This spring, Isavia employees visited MSS and its vocational rehabilitation department. There was a presentation for about thirty people to give them an insight into the work at the airport and in its development. Isavia and Mace's experts reviewed their careers and discussed the decisions that led them to work for Isavia. It was useful to compare different career paths and how different decisions can lead parties into the same workplace. At the end of the session, there was an opportunity to ask questions and get advice from Isavia's experts on jobs, opportunities and careers.

The purpose of these visits is to provide an insight into the diverse work being done at Keflavík Airport and in its development. Emphasis is placed on having active dialogue and empowering individuals for employment.

Vocational education for the youth

Isavia regularly visits local educational institutions with presentations or projects that benefit students.

Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja, the local junior high school, received a visit from airport staff. The visit aimed to present to the senior class the diverse jobs that are generally available at the airport, as well as to introduce jobs that have been created in connection with the expansion of the terminal. The students welcomed the guests and asked them quite a few questions, which is a sign of their interest in the work that takes place at the airport.

Elementary school students in Heiðarskóli also received insights into future jobs at the airport. The 4th grade students participated in in a fun and creative session that addressed the airport community, its working environment and future developments. Isavia tasked the students with assisting its experts in designing an education center for the airport. It is safe to say that there was no shortage of ideas. Using reusable materials collected before the session, the students built their education centers, resulting in fun and original models that will undoubtedly inspire Isavia in its future developments. Students in the 9th and 10th grade then received a visit from Isavia where future jobs at the airport were introduced, and stereotypes on working at airports and in construction were challenged.

It is extremely valuable for Isavia and the airport community that staff give their time and energy to a project like this. It is important that the residents of the Suðurnes region, as well as potential future workers, are informed about what is happening at the airport and how it affects the whole community.

Staff volunteering projects

Staff have had the opportunity to support charities. Nine employees spent half a day with the environmental protection organization Blái herinn to clean up beaches around Garðskagi in Suðurnes. In total around 160kg of trash was collected or about 18kg of trash collected by each staff member.

Six employees donated their time and work to the Red Cross in Keflavík, where they assisted going through donated clothing items and assisting customers in their store. The Red Cross is dedicated to work with refugees and in 2024 there are plans to assist better in these areas.

Coming up in 2024

Work has already commenced on a Social Value project calendar for next year. Planned already are projects with additional elementary schools and with new partners. Much can be learned from the many projects undertaken in 2023 and in discussion with the working group we can accept tips and ideas to better the project this year.